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Yufai:Advantages of 100w led solar street light    Date:2021-11-16

With the development of technology, integrated solar power street lamps also include integrated street lamps and split solar power street lamps. The split type using lead-acid batteries is usually called traditional solar power street lamp, that is, solar energy, LED lights and batteries are installed separately. ;The integrated solar power street lamp is a solar power street lamp that integrates the functional components of solar panels, batteries, LED lights, and intelligent controllers. Next, Yuhui Aurora tells you about the advantages of solar power street lamp.


Features of 100w led solar street light:


Solar street lights are safe and reliable in operation, easy to maintain and manage, low investment, and low power consumption. Today, what are the design principles of solar street lights?


Safety: You can see the exact position and distance of obstacles or pedestrians on the road, and you can see whether there are abnormal conditions on the road, such as the degree and location of road damage;


100w led solar street light

Inducibility: you can clearly see the width, line type, structure of the road, and the distance and situation of road intersections, forks, turns, etc.;


Comfort: it can identify the type of other vehicles (understand the width of the body) and driving speed, and can identify the surrounding facilities such as road signs;


Economical: Solar street lights should be easy to maintain and manage. On the premise of meeting the standards, reduce the number of solar street lights as much as possible, which is economical and energy-saving.

Author: Yufai
This article was adapted from its original source:

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